Professor Harold Petersen, Economics


That great philosopher Satchel Paige asked the question, “How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you were?” You would of course be as young as your zest for life would let you be. And Satchel lived that as well as anyone. He pitched his last game in the majors at a chronological age of 59, but even then he wasn’t that old. You can be young in outlook until the day you die.

The best is not behind you; indeed it is yet to come. You are just at the beginning of an incredible journey. And what is the secret to happiness, or fulfillment, on that journey? The philosopher Tom Morris, another great one, said it is “creative love.” To love, and to find creative ways to express and share that love, is what brings the greatest reward.

Let me give you just two more from Satchel. “Age is a question of mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter.” And then,
“I ain’t ever had a job, I just always played baseball.” So find something that brings to you what baseball brought to Satch. And bring to that something what Satchel Paige brought to baseball. And to all of us.

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Filed under .Professor Harold Petersen, Economics, Professor

One response to “Professor Harold Petersen, Economics

  1. E

    Love this. “‘I ain’t ever had a job, I just always played baseball.’ So find something that brings to you what baseball brought to Satch. And bring to that something what Satchel Paige brought to baseball. And to all of us.

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